Western Technical-Commercial School is a safe, nurturing, positive and respectful learning environment that enables all students to succeed and reach their full potential. Our school is a place that promotes peaceful problem solving, academic excellence and a sense of belonging for all students. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for human rights and social justice and promote the values they need to become responsible members of society.
Our mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society.
The Caring and Safe Schools team of administrators, advisors, child and youth counsellors and court liaison workers provides direction support to administrators, staff, parents, students and communities. Caring and Safe Schools are enabled through:
1.Strong school leadership, with consistent discipline policies and procedures;
2.School-wide safe and caring schools programs and instructional components focused on inclusive contributions;
3.Evolving and expanded prevention based knowledge and skills;
4.Ongoing support and professional growth in emotional intelligence, conduct management, prevention oriented strategies, mediation and violence prevention
5.Inclusive and developmentally appropriate materials, activities and programs are championed and utilized;
6.Strong efforts to develop relationships and partnerships within the entire school community;
7.Clear assessment, evaluation and monitoring of student performance, combined with differentiated programming.
Board policies and procedures have been developed in accordance with provincial legislation and Ministry directives to ensure that our schools are safe and caring communities.