what’s wrong with this picture?” asks Hannah Rengele, a facilitator at Queen’s
Park. Western Tech students are sitting around her examining the diets and food
profiles of typical Torontonians and trying to figure out exactly how
sustainable and healthy they are.
too expensive,” says D’Andre a student in Mr. Pegg’s class, “and the carbon
footprint for the groceries is enormous.”
“Precisely!” says Rengele.
in Ms. De Rosa, and Mr. Pegg’s Food and
Nutrition classes are here at Queen’s Park to get a free lunch and to sample
some of the better food choices that
they can make in their own diets. The initiative sponsored by Toronto’s Food
Share is meant to introduce students to
a new perspective on what they eat and the importance of food production to
their lives. It was all free - from the beet muffins, to the zuccinni/squash
vichychoise. “This was the easiest field trip to organize, ever, “ says Ms De
Rosa with a smile, “everyone loves a free lunch!”