Your Student Council for the 2011-2012 school year would like to welcome you to Western Technical – Commercial School if this is your first year here or welcome you back if you are a returning student!
We are your Student Council Executive for this year and we are busy planning some exciting events. If you would like to contact any of us please see Ms. Khan in room 385 or come to our weekly student council meetings at 11:15 am every Monday in room 385.
Co-Presidents - Priyanka Sivaloganathan and Thushara Vigneswaran
Vice-President - Zach Fava
Treasurer - Anjali Kugathas
Secretary - Deborah Mililo
Girl’s Athletic Rep. – Marieke Pynn Coates Boy’s Athletic Rep. – Chris Sgouraditis
Events Co-coordinators - Madeline Biggs and Sameer Rai
Super Council Representative Wan Qi Luo
Our year has started with a bang! On September 1st the Student Council was busy meeting and greeting grade 9 students at our annual Moving on Up Day . We took grade 9’s on tours; lead scavenger hunts and enjoyed a lunch with them.
You may have also seen us in our leadership t-shirts, bright and early at 8 am the first week of school in the grade nine locker hallway making sure everyone knew where they were going, helping open locks or guiding students to their home form classes.
Our September 13 Club Fair took place in the cafeteria. We had about 30 extra-curricular clubs showcasing what the clubs do and how students can sign up. As a school, we try to encourage our grade nine students to sign up for at least 2 different clubs over the course of the year. With so many options who can resist!! If you missed Club Fair Day no need to fear ……. a list of clubs and contact information will be posted in each class and on the Club Board across from guidance by the beginning of October.
Students in the grade 11 Leadership classes have been busy organizing the annual school wide Terry Fox Run. The run took place on Wednesday September 28th period 2 and our turn out was amazing. Congratulations Western you collaboratively raised 830 dollars for cancer research! A big shout to Ms. Natale’s ESL class who were the top class fundraisers for this event.
Upcoming Events Monday October 3 – Friday October 7th is Spirit Week. If you dress up for each theme day come to the cafeteria at lunch to pick up a spirit treat and enter our raffle to win a pizza pizza gift certificate. Monday - Pyjama Day
Tuesday is Wacky Hair Day
Wednesday is Twin Day
Thursday is Formal Day
Friday is Retro Day (Meet us for a fashion show in the cafeteria at lunch.)
October 28th is our Halloween Carnival Period 4 Buy Out!!